About Me
Hello Friend!

Welcome to Average Wild Experience! My name is Megan Callahan and I’m from a small town (well small-ish) in eastern Pennsylvania. Currently we live in a 25 foot travel trailer and are traveling the United States!
I’m what you would call an outdoor junky! I’ve been in love with the WILD outdoors since I can remember. Hunting and fishing with my dad, hiking, canoeing, and camping with my family and I’ll try just about anything once.
3 of my passions (there are so many!) are traveling, hiking and photography! My dream job would be to hike and travel full-time while taking pictures along the way.
However, as an AVERAGE American couple who each have full-time jobs, we have to save our pennies, plan our travels and hikes, and not over-do it on camera equipment haha (where are my photographers at!?).

I’ve been hiking since I was a kid, but my first big-girl hike came when I was 18. I was with a group of people from my church and we hiked Mount Washington in New Hampshire. This is the tallest mountain in the northeast of the United States.
As we climbed above the tree line and I looked out over the White Mountains, I knew I had to do this again. We hiked to the summit and back to the van that day and as the exhaustion set in, I found myself wondering about the next hike.

My brother and I took a trip back to the White Mountains in the summer of 2013. We also hiked in Acadia National Park and the Catskills in New York. This was my first true hiking vacation and it soon became a summer tradition.

2014 brought hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
2015 I hiked smaller hikes in the Adirondacks in New York. (I had to have surgery that summer so my hiking was kept to a minimum).
2016 I traveled to Glacier National Park in Montana and hiked the biggest mountains of my life! I cannot WAIT to get back to Montana!

2017… well, you get the idea. Every year has brought a new hiking trip and for the most part, new mountain ranges.

Now that I am married, I have a permanent hiking partner and I’ve watched my husband become a more confident hiker with every hike we do together.
Fun Fact: my husband didn’t even have hiking boots when we met and now he can’t wait for each and every hike we do!
State Parks and National Parks

A few years ago I decided that I wanted to see all of the National Parks the United States has to offer. As an East Coast girl, that involves a lot of flying to other states, AKA a lot of money saving. It’ll take time, but we’ll get there eventually!
I don’t let that deter my desire to hike though! There are some incredible state parks that rival the nations national parks. So we hike here too! Anywhere with a view, I’m there.

As we travel and hike in State and National Parks, I’m bringing you with me! I’ll be blogging about our past hikes, and all of the hikes moving forward. Plus my love for photography will allow you to see what I’m talking about and maybe even make you want to get there yourself!
This is my Average Wild Experience! Come and join the adventure