Welcome Home

Welcome to Average Wild Experience!

My name is Megan Callahan and I would like to personally welcome you to my hiking and travel site! I’m so glad you are here and I can’t wait to bring you on my adventures.

The point of this site is to help you plan your very own hiking adventure by providing detailed posts about my hike(s), where I stayed, and as much helpful information as I can squeeze into a single post. Here is a sample of a Hiking Post you can check out!

I will be primarily writing about hiking in State Parks and National Parks around the United States, but I’ll also include other hidden gems when we find them.

We used to exclusively tent camp when we traveled, but I have some exciting news! My husband and I bought a camper and have officially hit the road! As of April 2024, we are living in our 25 foot travel trailer and working our way up the east coast as we speak!

Stay tuned for more details about that!

Snap Shot About Me

Again I say welcome! I am the writer, photographer, hiker and traveler behind these posts, so I figure it’s only fair that you know a little bit about me!

I’ve been hiking since I was a little kid but my first true mountain came when I was 18. Mount Washington in New Hampshire. The tallest mountain in the northeast corner of the United States.

As I stood above the tree line, looking out at the White Mountains in NH and feeling that satisfying type of tired, I knew I wanted to hike more. Ever since then I’ve been hooked.

Want more details on my personal hiking experiences and me? Start with my About Me page.

My husband and I got married in 2020 (yay Corona Weddings) and we’ve been going hiking together since early in our dating months.

In 2022 we moved to Tennessee, hiked in 3 National Parks, Lake Tahoe, and in multiple Tennessee State Parks and the list goes on. Although, I am most proud of the fact that we achieved our goal of hiking 50 hikes! And we also accomplished 50 hikes in the year of 2023.

But we have big plans for 2024!

We have set a goal to go on 50 different hikes yet again this year. Yup, you read that right, 50 hikes. We did it last year and we’ll do it again – I can’t wait! With so many new states that we’ll be traveling to, we’re super excited to get out there and hit the trails.

All of these hikes and our past adventures I will be blogging about. If you want to check out a few of our adventures, take a look at my Hiking Adventures category.

Average Wild Experience

You may also be wondering where we came up with the name Average Wild Experience. Essentially we are an average American couple who love to travel and explore. You can read more details about our name at this post – Hello World!

If you want to keep up with our adventures, sign up for our newsletter below!

Want more of us, our adventures and our adorable pup? Follow us on Instagram @averagewildexperience and subscribe to our YouTube channel Average Wild Experience

I can’t wait to get to know you all to share our adventures with you!

Welcome to our Average Wild Experience!